Friday, February 4, 2011

Goodbye to an old friend...

Life is not so much about saying hello,

as saying goodbye

I read this quote recently and have been thinking about it ever since. I believe I understand the significance of these thought provoking words. In the past several months, I have been sorting through boxes of old photos and keepsakes, separating them into labeled boxes for my children to have someday. In all of this 40+ year collection, there are so many goodbyes…and truth be told, that is what life is mostly about. After all, whey does it take only a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye? The hellos are fun and exciting. We embrace new challenges, meet new people, and form new and inspiring relationships. But oh, those goodbyes…

While perusing the memorabilia of an earlier period in my life, I found photos of old school and college friends, my extended family in every season and setting, ministry and church friends, even pets that I loved with childish devotion. One day, I said goodbye for the last time to many of them.

“Goodbye” is a rather sad word, a word we don’t like to say and a word we don’t like to hear. When our son leaves for his sometimes dangerous international job after a visit, I can only say, “I love you and take care,” but never do I say…goodbye.

I believe the goodbyes in life are preparing us for the heavenly world; a world where the word “goodbye” will have no relevance. This present world is so transitory, fleeting. More than ever, I am aware of my brief sojourn through this earthly life when I recall the many goodbyes said to family and friends. But we have a hope, steadfast and eternal in the heavens, a place where farewell will never be spoken.

Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again!

May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
A Celtic Blessing

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