Friday, March 22, 2013

The Shepherdess Speaks...


I call to remembrance my song in the night: I commune with mine own heart: and my spirit made diligent search.
Psalm 77:6

When I slipped through the French doors to the bricked patio surrounded by thick tropical foliage, miniature palms and a fence covered with night blooming jasmine, a hush lay over the evening, silent and still. It was near midnight and my nightly habit of pausing for some quiet time on the secluded patio had become a custom.

Before climbing into bed each night, I stepped into the night to marvel at the stars one more time, then say a prayer and a goodnight to God, thanking Him for all my blessings at the end of another day.

This night, I sat on a chair and searched the shadowy sky but no stars were visible. The heavens were covered with clouds and a storm was threatening. The stillness gave way to a rising wind that stirred the treetops and rustled among the leaves.

Earlier that evening, I had received some unpleasant news so I lingered on the patio to complain to God. For some time now, I had given myself to working out an unfavorable situation and now, all my efforts seemed in vain. There was no resolution in sight.

The wind stirred and I heard a faint noise, indistinguishable at first, a sound of music perhaps, a melody of sorts. Moments passed and the wind increased and so did the song. Then I knew what it was. Somewhere in the neighborhood, wind chimes were sounding, growing louder as the storm increased in strength and the chiming became a challenge to the oncoming storm, a joyful echo in the midst of the approaching gale. It was then I heard that still small voice speaking to my heart. “Can you sing in the storm? Can you remember that in the darkest times, you can rise above the noisy turmoil that surrounds you and that nothing can take your joy and song?”

I got the message. Looking into the roiling night sky, I prayed for the strength to be like the chimes, a pleasant sound in the dark times of my life, a soothing and joyful song rising above all other voices in the stormy night.

“…Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10


  1. Ruth, you paint a soothing image even with the turmoil of the night without and within.

    The Lord recently ministered to "my storm" taking me to 2 Chronicles 20 where I was reminded how much He longs for my trust, to give the battles to Him, and to go out singing while He works.

    Yes, there are songs in the night and always, Him!


    1. Lynn, thank you for your kind words about my writing. If we will listen to His voice, He will lead us in the way we should go. One of my favorite scriptures that has held me steady down through the years is:

      Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. Jeremiah 6:16

      Please email me so we can chat and I can send your free book!
