Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Shepherdess Speaks


 The Gift

And since I have naught to give
And love alone must make amends
My humble prayer is while I live
Lord, make me worthy of my friends”

Elizabeth Davidson Carmichael

This week, I ran across an old clipping in a box -- you know the kind; carefully clipped from some magazine or newspaper and kept for some future meditation. It was hand-written by my paternal grandmother, Elizabeth, and the writing ran downhill on the scrap of paper as though she hurried. Perhaps this was her original verse, I am not sure, but the thought in the poem caused me to think about ‘friendship’.

So much said on the subject of friendship—an amazing amount of fluff, cutesy signs and posters, but the reality may be far different than, “A friend is someone who…” (Fill in the blank).

Three key elements in my grandmother’s verse:

(1) Friendship is a “gift”

(2) “Love alone” supports friendship

(3) We must be a “worthy” friend

Friendship gives itself to the emotional trust of another person. When differences arise, love and devotion remains steadfast, each person supporting the integrity of this trust, and in turn, each must prove a worthy friend. It is much like a marriage relationship.

I thought of “Piglet’s” quote:

“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh?" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's hand. "I just wanted to be sure of you.”
“We'll be friends forever, won't we, Pooh?” asked Piglet.
“Even longer,” Pooh answered.
 A. A. Minle

Like entering into marriage, we want to feel sure, to trust. We want our name to be safe in our friend’s keeping. The sad truth is that even our friends will inadvertently hurt us, but then, friends are worth suffering for.

Over the years, I have learned some things about friendship. False friends have come and gone, walked away, shut me out, taken advantage, and cast away my gift of friendship. But some friends have remained true, loved me in spite of what came and went, were loyal to this trust, to our sacred vow of friendship.

“…but I have called you friends” John 15:15
I will pray for my friend; for friends are the glue that binds our spirits to earth in our common faith and goal…to meet each other again in our heavenly home. Jesus said, “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. John 15:14

This is the vital key to lasting friendship. Jesus is a true friend, our example, one that stays closer than a brother, never forsaking even in the hard times. To be a good friend, we must be like Him.

Read Elizabeth's life story in "The Wild Rose of Lancaster."  See book trailer on left column of this blog

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