Friday, February 17, 2012

His Sheepfold...

This is a photo taken from an original painting of a sheepfold. The art piece is displayed in Tulloch Castle, the seat of Clan Davidson in Scotland. The picture speaks volumes.

Yes, I am the pastor’s wife, but I feel no higher than any of the sheep in the flock. I simply fulfill my role as the shepherdess, standing by my husband’s side, a position in the body of Christ. Some may look on and see this as an esteemed place of honor, and true, we are instructed to honor our leaders, but…I fight the same devil, the same “life and death” struggles, the common battles. I feel sadness, gladness, and hurt -- just like anyone else. At times, I have no words…nothing left to say…don’t know what to advise. I feel empty…. The situations we encounter often have no resolution, and unless God works…there is no help for it, no resolve. There are some life altering circumstances we cannot control, but they have made me realize two things that are absolutes in my life: God is the, “I Am” of the Bible and I am the, “Yea, Lord,” of His sheepfold. How simple is that? I am His trusting child.

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